How to login to Netgear router

Netgear router

Lightening fast connectivity is something we all dream of. Whether you are at the office or at home, getting a router can help you get all your jobs done in a minute. Be it streaming your games online or finishing off your high school projects or office tasks, you simply get it all done in a minute.

However, we understand that installing a new router can be quite frustrating if you don’t know the right installation process. We are here to help you with easy-to-follow steps

In this blog, we will tell you how you can install your Netgear router without anyone’s help. 

Steps To Login To Your Netgear Router

So, just follow the instructions and stream seamlessly.  

Step 1: Connect to the Netgear Router

Firstly, connect your laptop or mobile device to the Netgear router via an Ethernet cable or WiFi. 

(It is highly recommended to use wire for stable connectivity during the login process.)

Take a look at how you can set up your Nighthawk Netgear router using the Nighthawk app.

Connect to the Netgear Router

Step 2: Login to Web Browser To Access Router Web Interface

Now login to your web browser by using your website. 

(The web browser could be anything—Chrome, Firefox,  and so on.)

Step 3: Type the Default IP Address in the Address Bar

Go to the router’s web interface and write the default IP address for the Netgear routers.

Some common IP addresses are and so on 

Press enter after typing the address, and you will be directed to your Netgear router’s login page.

Step 4: Type Username and Password

Type Username and Password
Type Username and Password

Once you enter the login page, type your username and password. 

Some default usernames and passwords are

Username: admin

Password: password

However, if you are unable to access your router’s account, there is a possibility that your username and password have been changed. In this case, you need to reset your username and password through factory settings. 

Once you enter your correct username and password, log in to your router account. Once you successfully log in, you can access your router’s web interface. 

Step 5: Change Router Configuration

Once you log in to your account, you can successfully configure the settings of your router, including your wireless network settings, security settings, and so on. Configure your router as per your convenience, but don’t forget to make the configuration right, or else it may disrupt your connectivity. 

Step 6: Log Out of Your Account

Once you have configured your router settings, don’t forget to log out. This ensures the security of your router. 


Default username and password for Netgear devices

Username: admin (all models)

Password: password (current models)

Password: 1234 (older models)

Common Reasons For Inaccessible Router Account 

Here are some reasons for not being able to access your router’s account:

#1: Trying to Access Your Router Account Using the Same Browser

Sometimes changing the browser also helps you access the router web. 

For example, if you normally use Google Chrome, you can also try using Microsoft Edge or any other browser.

#2: Connected to Multiple Networks at the Same Time

There is also another reason for not being able to access your router account. It is because you are connected to multiple networks at the same time. This includes corporate networks, wireless, and so on. 

Disconnect all the additional internet or VPN connections and then access the Netgear router. 

Need Help With Netgear Router Configuration

Getting seamless connectivity makes things much faster, and you can work easily. But when you are unable to configure your router, it gets frustrating, and we completely understand that. 

That’s why 24×7 Router Support is here to help you with router troubleshooting. Our technicians will help you with the configuration process online so that you don’t have to call anyone to help you with the configuration.