Ultimate Guide to Troubleshoot Your Router

Netgear router troubleshoot

It can be very irritating when your internet connection is lost midway through urgent work. The Internet connects us through the world and no one likes to be offline and disconnected due to a lost Internet connection. In this blog post, we will explore the ultimate guide to troubleshooting most of your router network problems so that the next time when you see an internet connection lost message, you can apply these simple troubleshooting methods and get your router up and running in no time. However, some problems might be complex and need professional support to be resolved.

Perform Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Before trying more complicated troubleshooting steps, you should try some basic checks to see if the router connection problem gets resolved. Many times, the problem is minor and is fixed with these initial steps only. 

  • Turn off the router and turn it on again: Switch off the router and leave it for a few minutes and turn it on again after some time to see if the connection is restored.
  • Contact your ISP: There might be some issue with the internet connection from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) side. You should contact them and ask if everything is normal. If the issue resides on their side, unfortunately, you can’t do anything but wait.
  • Try to connect a different device: It’s always a good idea to try connecting a different device when the connection issue occurs as the fault may be in the device, and not the router.
  • Switch to an Ethernet cable: If you are facing network issues with Wi-Fi, your problem may be resolved by connecting the router with an Ethernet cable. Physical barriers can hinder the internet connection over the Wi-Fi connection. By switching to an Ethernet connection you can check whether the problem lies in the router or the internet connection itself.
  • Check the wired connection: If you are already connected to the router using a LAN, make sure that all the wires are tightly connected. You may also remove the Ethernet cable and reattach it to see if it restores the connection. You can also try to use another Ethernet cable to see if the problem lies in the Ethernet cable.
  • Check the router’s lights: Different routers have different lights and flashing patterns to indicate connection status. You can check the user manual of the router to detect the error through the router’s lights.

Reset the Router 

Many routers have a power button that can be used for resetting the router. Search for the button and reset your router. If your router doesn’t have a reset button, you will need to reset the router from the router settings. Possibly it will bring your internet connection back.

Upgrade Router Firmware

You might be getting internet connection issues because of outdated router firmware. You can update your router’s firmware in the router settings itself. However, you will need the Internet to download the firmware update. 

Looking to Hire a Professional Router Support Service Provider?

Tired of router network problems? We understand how frustrating it is to deal with router connection problems. We are providing router tech support to individuals and businesses to overcome router network problems. Our 100% client satisfaction rate makes us one of the best router tech support providers. You can contact us to troubleshoot any of your router-related

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